"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Tonight during a pause in the ton of rain we have been having lately, I stepped outside to let the dog out, when to my surprise out back I saw not one complete rainbow, but two.
That's right, a full- more than half circle- double back to back rainbow. It was really intense and bright and lasted for about half an hour and then was obscured by more rain.
Cool while it lasted, for sure!


MLE said...

Ah, those southwestern rainbows -- so cool. You don't get them like that up here, but I remember a few doozies from living in Rehoboth. Cool!

Gayle and Rob said...

I'll bet that the second rainbow had its colors inverted from the first, also. And do you know why it is so?

Katie said...

No picture?

Alec has seen on from above in an airplane. He said it was a complete circle. I bet Dad could tell you "why it is so" but I can't.