"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Monday, February 06, 2006


In the effort to put my two cents in, I have one thing to say: "Buy Legos. Lots and lots of Legos."

Support free speech and the freedom to publish about issues that are in need of attention.

Buy Danish.

Ironic that the response to the Danish cartoons depicting Mohammad as violent was the rioting in numerous countries and burning of embassies in Syria and Tehran...

If they are free to depict Jews and Christians as evil, why the double standard?
And don't tell me its because of the representation of Mohammad... he's been depicted throughout history in art. This is an issue of criticism and not being able to handle it...

I'm not racist, prejudiced, angry, or upset at Muslims, I just wish that if they are going to insult other religions, they be able to take criticism of their own...

And "Buy Legos. Lots and lots of Legos"

My two cents... please tell me I can still post this and not get sanctioned...


Gayle and Rob said...

Makes sense to me, but then not all people in the world are rational. It you don't think things through, but just react, issues can escalate quickly. Both sides seem to lack a sensitivity of and respect for the other culture. I do think that the one side has proved - again! - that ignorant provincialism is it's own curse. A culture of destruction brings nothing to the world stage of lasting value and cannot sustain itself.

MLE said...

Hear hear. Thanks for voicing what I was just thinking. The pictures on the news are pretty brutal, and seem to just prove their point. I'll get some Legos the first chance I get...

Katie said...

We love Legos - and their counterpart Duplos for smaller children! Maybe if we get enough we can build a sea monster like that one at Downtown Disney!

bob said...

Oh and butter cookies... they are excellent...