"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Hump day, it seems comes far too quickly.
Even though the week is speeding by, I have managed to get a bit of work done already.
My long research paper for my independent study is over 16 pages, and now ready for review.
My Application materials are coming together and just need a few more revisions.
My Food sculpture project is complete and I'm already working on the next project.
And, while I haven't been sleeping much, I'm still making it to class on time.

Now, for the rest of the week:
Japanese exam tomorrow morning.
Throwing this evening.
More work on ceramics tomorrow.
Photograph work really soon and editing the images for portfolio.

All in all, hanging in there...

Oh, and P.S. happy birthday Mom!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

New week

Well, this weekend was fun... lots of work accomplished, and yet still managed to get a decent amount of homework done. Let's just see if this week keeps up the trend!

A few things:
-I wish it would snow already... snow makes it easier to focus on staying inside doing homework
-I wish I could sleep more, I seem to be tired all the time...
-I wish there were more hours in the day... or night... just more time in general to do all I need to
-I wish life came with directions:
- allow 5 years to percolate... knowledge should be good and concentrated
- by November 15 all applications should be done, though only apply to ______
- _____ will accept you
- allow 6 to 8 weeks for confirmation, then turn and brown the other side

-I wish I knew what those directions were to, because they were one weird recipe...

I'm scared about the future.
I'm not sure I know what to do.
I'm second guessing what I think about everything now.

Oh boy... I need some chocolate....

On the plus side my paper (my big one for this semester) is already 12 pages!
On the down side, I'm not sure how long it's supposed to be... and I 've about a 1/3 to go!
Woo hoo for editing things down!

OK, back to work!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Grad Schools and other stuff

Well, today I called three different grad schools as a preliminary measure to applying. It was kinda nerve wracking and I'm not sure why.

Tonight I'm sending out emails to faculty members at the schools to which I'm applying. I want ot see what kind of respose i get and if they are willing to help out a nervous senior. I wrote up a basic letter that my boss (who went through this a few years ago) read over and he said it was a good start to getting my name out to the departments.

I just don't want to come across as needy or clingy.

Anyway, the kiln was fairly successful... I'm planning on photographing my work on Friday so maybe I'll have some images to share this weekend.