"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I quit

I'm going to move to Orlando, live in my parent's basement and work at Barnes and Noble's.
Oh wait, they don't have a basement, nor do I have a room in their home anymore.

And I don't want to work retail for the rest of my life.

Let's just say that if it could go wrong this week it did.
And the stress piled up and I'm way over living with it.
And I have to do a glaze firing, and I'm gonna just get worse till those pots come out of the kiln...

But first, I have to go sit in a corner and get over my stress related migrane.
And get some homework done.
and eat something at some point.
and... oh you get the picture.

1 comment:

Gayle and Rob said...

So, now I feel awful. There is always a room for you in my home! I would throw out the sewing machine and turn it over to you anyday!!!! Love you, hope you get over the migrane and the stress and the overload soon.