"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Frustration overwhelming

I'm sorry, I had to.
Just a little bit overwhelmed with disgust right now.
And I know politics should stay out of most discussions since we don't all agree, but this is so tragically accurate.

Lord help us all...
Don't even get me started on the debate.


MLE said...

Um, what can you do really but laugh? And then cry. And then maybe laugh again.

bob said...

and that's what I did. I laughed. then cried. then laughed again... and laughed some more. hehe

Gayle and Rob said...

I agree, Bob. It is an embarassment and another example of why I am so completely turned off to this campaign. My great comfort is that God's work will be accomplished no matter who gets elected. Now, to be completely fair, you could also show the other VP candidate's penchant for brilliant comments...

MLE said...

Ok, so the policital discussion has begun. I'm so turned off from this campaign, yet it is so important for us to vote. Right now, I am pretty clueless. I mean, I'm not voting for Veep, but what is the line? She's one 72 year old's heartbeat away from being president. AAAAAHHHHH!

Katie said...

Yesterday I heard Dennis Miller say something about that one heartbeat comment. He reminded Jay Leno that Obama smokes so he could croak too, and his VP is the same age as McCain who is apparently on death's door, which would put Nancy Pelosi in the White House! He said he would move to another galaxy then. hehe