"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Monday, April 17, 2006

Ok, I know...

So I haven't posted in a while...

I'm truly sorry.

The list of days is growing shorter, and sadly, the yet to do list keeps finding things to add to itself.

However, here are a list of things that made me happy today:
- Taylor survived her wisdom teeth surgery and has no brusing, and only slight (very slight) swelling.
- Taylor on pain pills is hilarious, espically at 9:00 in the morning.
- I think I know what I'm going to put in my BFA review
- I still have three weeks till my BFA review
- A good friend bought me lunch because she has extra money on her pre-paid account and dosen't want Calvin to get it at the end of the semester
- I ate lunch outside on the grass
- My outside of class drawing recieved a good crit
- My in class drawing was really good and I'm hapy to say was hung up in the hall
- My rough draft, which was originally due Tuesday was pushed to Thursday, so I'm a little ahead of the game


B said...

Sounds like you're on the ball, BJ! And a note on pain pills - why do you think I laugh so much at my job...? :)

MLE said...

Woo hoo! All that worrying about so much work for nothing! Way to go! Enjoy the spring.

Gayle and Rob said...

Yeah - good to hear your blog voice. Did you have a nice weekend? And how do you like that from Calvin? a rebate on your interim!!!! That's the first time we ever had a credit on a Calvin financial statement!!! Hang in there - are you having second thoughts aobut not graduating with the rest of your classmates?

bob said...

Well, Em, I still have lots of work to do... no getting aroud that.
I'm not really having second thoughts about graduation, its just that things will be very different next year and may take some getting used to. Anyway, have to run to get to work on time.

B said...

Well, little brother, just wait until you're done with college all together. Then things really change and take getting used to!