"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm told I tend to be antisocial...

I'm not sure if I'm really antisocial, or that I just don't like some people.

Is it bad that I'd rather spend time in the art basement, by myself, doing my work?

And when I'm working, its not that I don't like you, but don't talk to me, I'm concentrating.

Ok, maybe I am antisocial... but I have work to do.



Katie said...

Hmm... a friend just told me Friday that she was worried that I was isolating myself from people. And I'm pretty good at ignoring people while I'm working on something that takes a lot of concentration. Are we two peas in a pod (separate, anti-social, isolated pods, of course!)?

MLE said...

I know what you mean--in those few precious minutes after school when I'm trying to cram in 4 hours of work, the fact that I close and lock my door and crank up my music to drown out the world is my way of saying "Leave me alone!" Sometime people are a distraction. However, I think trying to work in peace is a lot different than never being with people. You do socialize outside of work, right? You talk to your roommates? Then I think you're fine. I, too need isolation, solitude, and good quiet work time. Deal!

Gayle and Rob said...

Focused work is not anti-social behavior. Maybe the others who claim we're anti-social are guilty of insensitivity or poor timing. There is nothing wrong with shutting out distractions as we want to do a job well...unless you're the interruptor and don't want to be classed as a distraction, so then you start throwing the anti-social dirt around. Work hard, my creative son. I don't like interruptions either!