"the artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life."
- w. edward brown

Sunday, November 20, 2005


If there was such a thing as Art Trivial Pursuit, I think I could kick its game board butt... no joke. Maybe I'll make this version...

Here would be some questions:
1) In traditional Western iconography, which saint is shown by a wheel?
- Why that would be St. Catherine, as she was to be martyred on a spiked wheel, but when she touched it, it fell apart... she was then beheaded.

2) Name at least 4 of the items associated with the Passion of Christ that are shown in Western Christian art.
- Why those would be the scourge (aka. whip), the cross, the nails, the hammer, the pliers that pulled the nails out, the sponge, the lance, the plaque on the cross... that's about it.

3) Which artist/engraver made self-portraits that depicted himself as Christ in such ways that papers written about said images would be extremely difficult to write and confusing conclusions would be drawn about said images?
- Right, that's Albrecht Durer... and my paper is still not finished.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ha! I knew #1 - but only because Alec has a CD by a group called "Catherine Wheel" & I looked up why they were named that. I guess it still counts, though, since I knew the answer, right?
Welcome to Blog world, Bob.